No matter if you want to detect toxic or combustible gases: This control module works with any sensor head. It provides the power supply and processes the signal. Three relays rated 8 A and a 4 – 20 mA output interface with peripheral instrumentation.
Potential front ends may be the Statox 501 or Statox 505 transmitters with electrochemical or infrared sensors, or sensor heads with a Wheatstone bridge signal such as Statox 501 PID, catalytic sensors or the Statox 501 LC and MC series with infrared sensors. Just by the push of a button you can program the module to handle 4 – 20 mA sink or source. Even the bridge voltage can be set to any value between 2 and 5.2 V, i.e. it would even work with sensor heads of other manufacturers. So there is no restriction at all when selecting the appropriate sensor head for your application. With its two “sense” lines it can even compensate the voltage drop in the cable for very remote sensor heads, or if there are extreme temperature variations.
For maximum flexibility the measuring range is user - programmable. You can also select the unit, no matter if it is ppb, ppm, % LEL or % volume.