Control module CONTROX V 2.0

Control module CONTROX V 2.0

Control module CONTROX V 2.0


The ControX V2.0 module offers calculation and display of oxygen concentration (%O2, ppm, or log), and display of temperature (°C or °F), in one compact package. Easily accessible connectors on the side of the module offer quick connection of analog outputs, 4-20 mA outputs, reference air, and cleaning air (CarboProbe LT only). A USB port is included as standard.
•Works with our CarboProbe HT, CarboProbe DS and CarboProbe CP
•Measure of %O2, ppm O2 and LOG
•Output signal 4 – 20 mA linearilized signal
•User interface with touch-screen
•Pump for reference air
•220V power outlet with switch
•Power supply with switch
•Data export to USB key
•Color touchscreen
•Size 30cm x 40cm x 16cm

•Regulation of the probe heating element (CarboProbe LT)
•Automatic purging system with adjustable purging time and hold time (CarboProbe LT)
•External inlet for Nitrogen cleaning gas (CarboProbe LT)
•Air or nitrogen can be used as cleaning gas (CarboProbe LT)

What ControX includes...
> User interface with touch-screen.
> Pump for reference air
> 110V -220V power outlet with switch
> Power supply with switch
> Data export to USB key
> Colour touchscreen (3,5''


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