Cobot EasyPalletizer Pro


The Easy Palletizer Pro is a lightweight and portable cobot palletizer that was built with the purpose of simplifying and speeding up the palletizing process inside a manufacturing facility. This was the primary motivation for its creation.

Easy Palletizer Pro is completely compatible with 99% of current collaborative robots, has a version that includes a lifting module, and is compatible with pallets that are commonly used in the United States of America, Australia, and Europe.

The main console of the EasyRobotics palletizer has a storage area on the inside for the storage of the robot controller, cables, hosts, and either a lift module or a base, depending on your preference. Each side of the product is equipped with a pallet docking system that has the capability to measure the proper position of the pallet and provide feedback in the event that the pallet is positioned wrong. Additionally, the device comes equipped with extendable "legs," which, when extended, allow it to operate with bigger cobots.

Collaborative robots with a payload capacity of up to 20 kilos, such as the UR20 series or the Doosan H series, are completely compatible with the EasyPalletizer Pro.

The procedure is simplified and increased in productivity thanks to the use of a sophisticated robotic palletizing equipment. Palletizing operations can remain flexible, dependable, and productive when robots are used in the automation process. Using a variety of grippers in conjunction with a conveyor belt makes it possible to quickly and effectively palletize a wide variety of products contained inside a variety of packaging.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Number of axes
Payload (kg)
0 - 20