-Flexible strain sensor for a wide application range
-Field of View of 1x1mm² to 10x10m²
-Easy usage and fully automatic calibration within 20 seconds
-Integrated Analysis modules for automatic post processing
-Certifiable after ISO9513 and VDI/VDE2626
With the Q400 system, the 2D or 3D deformation analysis is performed in a precise, fast and user-friendly manner. The modular system is also characterized by the high flexibility of the optical setup and thus can be optimally adapted to the application. The intuitive measurement software Istra4D also provides the associated measurement accuracy for each measured value (displacement, deformation, strain, 3D coordinates, etc.). Thanks to optimized algorithms, Istra4D can resolve local effects, e.g. in crack growth, better than other DIC systems. Using a special cluster approach, up to 16 cameras can be used in a Q400 system, which achieves better surface coverage for complex component geometries and higher measurement accuracy.
• Spatial measurement of 3D coordinates, displacements and strain tensors shown as 2D overlay or 3D model
• Fully automatic calibration with real-time tracking and quality feedback
• 'Genuine' multi-camera system - Fully integrated system with up to 8 cameras for improved accuracy and surface coverage on complex surfaces and complete detection of a cylinder.
• 4-camera system for simultaneous measurement of the front and rear sides as well as thickness and thickness change.
• Modular software package for image acquisition, evaluation and visualization.
• Powerful integration of CCD and high-speed cameras