Brake pad Silencer™


Brakes that Don't Squeal. If improper installation doesn't seem to be the root cause of a machine's brake squeal issue, we introduce DFE's patented Silencer™ friction pads. These pads have proven to be 100% effective at eliminating problem brake noise.

Since 2011 Dover Flexo Electronics has delivered the solution to problem brake squeal. Part of the solution is to ensure that brakes are properly installed and aligned for the web application and machine running conditions. Then, if improper installation doesn't seem to be the root cause of a machine's brake squeal issue, we introduce DFE's patented Silencer™friction pads.These pads have proven to be 100% effective at eliminating problem brake noise.

While most DFE brakes never present a squeal problem, there are instances where the squealing sound may be difficult to eliminate, and that is when we introduce the Silencer pads. A single pair of Silencer friction pads from DFE will kill any annoying screeching or squealing from your unwind brakes.

In this quick 2-minute video, we demonstrate how simply and quickly the Silencer technology works.

Silencer™ Pads (a single pair) will eliminate brake squeal
The NO-SQUEAL WARRANTY and SILENCER brake pads ensure that converters are no longer forced to endure screeching brakes. Also, DFE's ultra-low-maintenance Universal style dual-cylinder actuators fit interchangeably with brakes of some other manufacturers.


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