Bluetooth communication module QSI

Bluetooth communication module QSI

Bluetooth communication module QSI


The FLOMEC® QSI communication module is a multi-functional electronics unit designed to enhance product functionality and provide fully-featured communication protocols and process output signals for FLOMEC® meters, while also providing data-logging functionality.
A unique feature of the QSI is that programming is simple and can be done by using the FLOMEC® App via Bluetooth® wireless interface technology.
In-field firmware updates are easy with the QSI.

The QSI Communications Module is the perfect product when a local display is required with the ability to communicate flow data via MODBUS or BACNET serial communications.

Features & Benefits:
Calculates flow and totals from pick-up coil or digital input pulses
Measures temperature from PT100 RTDs
BTU (heat) meter calculates energy from flow and temperature inputs
Data logger - stores all measured and calculated variables on internal flash memory
Access Data Logger information through FLOMEC® app
Communication options available: Modbus® RTU and BACnet™ MS/TP
Built-in Bluetooth® wireless technology
External Programming FLOMEC® App available for mobile devices
Receive in-field firmware updates
Standard process outputs: Pulse out and 4-20mA


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Bluetooth, Modbus, BACnet
Other characteristics
  • wireless
  • digital

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