Autonomous surveillance robot

Autonomous surveillance robot

Autonomous surveillance robot


Security Guard Robot
Hi, I am handy to handle places where may turn out to be cold, hot, humid, poisonous, radioactive, etc. I could also applied to substation, factory, airport, high-speed train station, etc.
Let human being back to their own value, while let security be more efficient.

7 USP(Unique Selling Proposition)
Make Smart Security Protection Possible

360° HD Caméra
IR Night Vision Caméra Front/Rear Camera
Environmental Sensors
GPS Navigation
Audible & Visual Alarm
Voice & Video Recording

Product Features
Autonomous Navigation
In the process of patrolling, the high précision encoder will be accumulatingthe autonomous motion position. Robot's path is planned independently to achieve high précision navigation at useds designated patrolling request.

Automatic Obstacle Avoidance
Carried with multiple sensors, robot could be autonomously positioned in the environ ment. Throughthedeepoptimizationofthe obstacle avoidance algorithm, it can perceive the real-time environmental changes around it, bypass the obstacles in the planning path, and select the best optimal route to ensure human a reliable expérience on its way back to target point.

Video Surveillance
Equipped with a HD caméra, which can transmit images to the large screen of the contrai room in real time, the robot itself couldgive an abnormal alarm, save and upload the pictures to the doud backend dashboard.

OCR Technology (Face Recognition System)
Through OCR technology, it can keep endangered crime risk under control, multi-pose face détection can besupported, and ultra-high stability can be guaranteed under extreme light such as dark light and backlight.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Other characteristics
with acoustic device

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