Analog signal conditioner ASA510H

Analog signal conditioner ASA510H

Analog signal conditioner ASA510H


Translation module ASA510H
Quasi-absolute, battery-buffered translation module
Profile ASA510H:
Max. resolution 1 μm (LD)
Repeat accuracy ±0.005 mm
SSI or RS485 interface
Scale MB500/1
Reading distance ≤2 mm
Compact, absolutely measuring unit with hard-wired sensor

Max. measuring length ±655 m (RS485)
Maintenance-free backup battery
Option: digital LD interface
Option: analog 1 VSS or 2.2 VSS interfaces (5 mm period length)
Mechanical data
Feature - Technical data - - Additional information - -
Housing - Steel sheet - - electrogalvanized - -
- zinc die-cast - - sensor - -
Cable length - £6 m - - - -
Cable sheath - PVC suitable for drag-chain use - - £1.000.000 with bending radius = 8x cable diameter and 20 =C - -
■ Travel speed - Travel speed Vmax [m/s] - - - -
Resolution [pm] 1 - 4.00 - 1.60 - 0.72 - 0.32 - 0.12
5 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 3.60 - 1.60 - 0.62
10 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 7.20 - 3.20 - 1.25
12.5 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 8.00 - 4.00 - 1.60
Puise interval [ps] - 0.2 - 0.5 - 1.1 - 2.5 - 6.3
Counting frequency [kHz] - 1250.00 - 500.00 - 230.00 - 100.00 - 40.00
/l\ L électronique interne d évaluation est capable «- -> de générer des impulsions de comptage dont la longueur est limitée par t intervalle d impulsions.
L électronique en aval doit être réglée en conséquence. Le cas échéant sélectionner d abord t intervalle d i
Electrical data
Feature - Technical data - Additional information
Operating voltage - 24 V DC ±20 % - reverse polarity protected
Current consumption - <150 rnA -
Battery service life - 10 year(s) - atTy = 20 =C, according to manufacturer spécification
System data - -
Feature - Technical data - Additional information
Resolution - 5 pm or 10 pm - SSI, selectable via DIP switch
- *1 pm - LD


Parameter Name Parameter Value
for displacement sensors