Alpha particle monitoring device Alpha Sentry CAM

Alpha particle monitoring device Alpha Sentry CAM

Alpha particle monitoring device Alpha Sentry CAM


• Patented radon reduction screen
• Patented mass flow meter for accurate air flow measurement
• High sensitivity lowers false alarm rate
• Cleanable, rugged high resolution detector
• Patented disposable filter cartridge assembly saves time and labor

Based on research conducted by Los Alamos National Laboratory and Texas A&M University’s Aerosol Laboratory, Mirion’s sampling head represents the most advanced technology available in Alpha CAMs today.
The sampling head contains a patented diffusion screen that removes up to 95% of the newly formed radon daughters particles from the air. This is ideal for laboratory environments with
HEPA filtered air which have a low concentration of condensation nuclei and hence a low attachment rate. Such facilities typically have high air exchange rates as well, further increasing the fraction of unattached radon decay products.

Representative air sampling is ensured by a radial 360° inlet and air channels optimized for uniform particulate deposition on the filter paper.
In-line monitoring is available with an optional specially designed manifold. The use of the manifold guarantees results consistent with the open radial inlet application. The in-line adapter
connects to any duct or pipe via 1 in. NPT thread.
The sample is uniformly deposited on a filter encased in a cartridge. The patented filter cartridges are designed to save labor and reduce operating costs. When changing filters, the entire cartridge is easily switched, rather than handling flimsy filter paper while wearing gloves. The filter paper within the cartridge is easily removed for further analysis if needed.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • alpha particle
  • air
Other characteristics