AC servo drive ED3M series

AC servo drive ED3M series

AC servo drive ED3M series


ESTUN high-performance servo systems are the optimized servo solution for
motion control applications. High response control signal capability brings more sensitive control accuracy. The vibration suppression function greatly improves the production efficiency. Small volume brings more convenient system layout.Smarter tuning-free mode brings the most convenient user experience. The newwrap-around protection system maximizes the safety of equipment.

High-speed frequency response and high-precision
Full range with - vibration suppression -
More convenient debugging tools
Complete support Complete protocol -

ProNet ED3M series servo is Estun Mult-axis AC serv system that mature, more economical and stable.2 motors position controlled by the same one controller, real-time, good synchronization, higher control précision, fast response, two axes share one position Set the command puise input, without additional wiring, to achieve a cost-effective solution for motion control applications.

I Support COE/DS402 protocol stack
I Support control modes such as PP/PV/Q/CSP/CSV/CST/HM
I Support 35 ways to homing
I Compared with ED3S, the three-dimensional size is reduced by more than 20mm
I The maximum speed of 6000RPM, the maximum overload multiple of 3 times
I Motor self-adaption, gantry function.TouchProbe function ect
I USB debugging interface, motor self-adaptation, Touch Probe, AC EMC protection, phase loss alarm, current/acceleration feedforward, electronic gear ratio dynamic switching
I EsView3.0 graphical interface, auxiliary tuning and mechanical characteristic analysis, fast debugging, high parameter matching degree


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Number of axes
Output signal
CANopen, EtherCAT
Product applications
  • 3D motion
  • control
Voltage (V)
200 - 200
Other characteristics
  • high-performance
  • economical
  • EtherCAT
  • CANopen
Power (W)
200 - 1000