AC servo-drive DIAS Drive 2000

AC servo-drive DIAS Drive 2000

AC servo-drive DIAS Drive 2000


With the DIAS Drives from SIGMATEK, the right servo system is available for any motion application:

the highly compact, modular multi-axis system DIAS Drive 2000 for 1 to 3 servo axes per module
the modularly constructed DIAS Drive 100 series for 1-8 axes
the compact multi-axis drive system DIAS Drive 300 for up to 3 axes

The modern servo drive systems are a part of the modular SIGMATEK toolkit and like all our automation components, has a space-saving design. This helps you to compactly design the control cabinet for your machine or system.

Thanks to minimal controller times of only 62.5 µs, the different series have excellent servo performance. Exact positioning at high speeds is thereby guaranteed.

The tasks of the servo drives were consciously limited to current, speed and position control to avoid unnecessary overhead and achieve an attractive price/performance ratio. All parameter and configuration data of the drives are stored centrally in the control unit. Redundant functions and expensive electronics in the drive are thereby eliminated. Handling during the initial start-up is thereby simplified; as well as service, since exchanging the drives is uncomplicated.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Number of axes
Product applications
Voltage (V)
480 - 480
Other characteristics
  • compact
  • modular
Intensity (A)
5 - 30
Power (W)
4000 - 9000