AC servo-drive ACOPOS

AC servo-drive ACOPOS

AC servo-drive ACOPOS


Increased production quantities, faster production cycles, improved quality and greater precision are a reality with servo drives from the ACOPOS series.

High-performance servo drive design
The ACOPOS servo drive family is an important component of the complete automation solutions provided by B&R. Industry-specific functions and intuitive tools form the basis for short development times.

An important criteria for the performance of an automation solution is fast and precise reactions to events handled in the application or to immediate changes in the production process. Therefore, ACOPOS servo drives work with very short scan times and communication cycles of 400 µs, which only amount to 50 µs in the control loop.

Outstanding quality, robust and secure
EMC was given special attention to facilitate use in harsh industrial environments. Field tests have been carried out under difficult conditions in addition to the tests defined in the standard. The results confirm the excellent values measured by the testing laboratory and during operation. The necessary filters, which meet CE guidelines, are also integrated in the device.

Using computer-aided models, the thermal behavior of the entire system is pre-calculated based on measured currents and temperatures. This results in maximum performance by taking advantage of the system's full capabilities.

ACOPOS servo drives use the information on the motor's embedded parameter chip, which contains all relevant mechanical and electronic data. The work-intensive and error-prone task of manually setting parameters is no longer necessary and start-up times are substantially reduced.


Parameter Name Parameter Value
Product applications
  • control
  • for industrial applications
  • industrial
  • loop
  • for textiles
  • for material handling equipment
  • for packaging
  • for paper
  • for plastics
  • handling
Other characteristics
  • high-performance
  • EMC
  • intelligent
Intensity (A)
1 - 128
Output power
Max.: 64 kW (87.01575 hp)Min.: 0.45 kW (0.61183 hp)