3D inspection machine Proforma 300SA series

3D inspection machine Proforma 300SA series

3D inspection machine Proforma 300SA series


Full wafer surface scanning for thickness, thickness variation, bow, warp, sori, site and global flatness

Measures Thickness, TTV, Bow, Warp, Site and Global Flatness.

Exclusive MTI capacitance sensors for outstanding accuracy and repeatability
Full 1000 µm thickness measurement range without re-calibration
Measures Thickness, TTV, Bow, Warp and site and Global Flatness
Windows® user interface
ASTM Standard measurements
SEMI S2-0200 health and safety compliant design
SEMI S8-0999 ergonomic compliant design
Measures all materials including Si, GaAs, Ge, InP, SiC ***
*** provided bulk resistivity is less than 20K Ohm/cm
About the Semi-automated Metrology System
The Proforma 300iSA is a benchtop/desktop, semi-automated wafer measurement system for semi-conducting and semi-insulating materials. Based on MTII’s exclusive Push-Pull capacitance technology, the Proforma 300iSA delivers full wafer surface scanning for thickness, thickness variation, bow, warp, sori, site and global flatness. User-defined and ASTM/SEMI compliant scan patterns are used to generate full 3-dimensional (3D) wafer images.

Customized data reports are available for viewing tabular data of each wafer measured with quick, easy export to your spreadsheet program.

Wafer Specifications Diameter: 150 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm
Material: All semiconducting and semi-insulating wafers including Si, GaAs, Ge, SiC, InP
Surfaces: As-Cut, Lapped, Etched, Polished, Patterned
Flat/Notch: All SEMI Standard Flat(s) or Notch
Conductivity: P or N Type


Parameter Name Parameter Value
  • surface
  • for wafers
  • for semiconductors
for the electronics industry
Other characteristics
  • measurement
  • automated
  • semi-automatic