The CGSN Series offers angular grippers that are designed to operate at 1 bar/7 bar pressure, 100 cycles/min. maximum frequency and -10°C/60°C temperature in dual effect.
These grippers can work continuously at ± 0.2 mm, with lever and angle measurement at -1° / + 180° (up to ±3°). Its recommended gripping force is M/L x 0.9 while maintaining finger position in parallel position. The grippers also have varying theoretical (1230xP, 2350xP, 4540xP, 9680xP) and maximum distance gripping points (80, 100, 120, 140).
These tools do not require lubrication, save for the sliding section. They are available with air ports of M5x0.8, and in various weights (140, 255, 430, 740 g) and bore sizes (16, 20, 25, 32 mm).